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Cellular Phone Policy:
Cellular phones are prohibited in the Dining Room including the Patio Deck off of the Dining Room. Acceptable areas for cell phone usage are: Locker Rooms, Lobby, Men’s Grille, Restrooms, Private Dining Rooms, Offices, and Parking Lot.
Cellular phones should be silenced and used with respect on the golf course and around all practice areas
Clubhouse Attire Policies:
The approved clubhouse dress policy includes denim jeans, skirts, and capris as proper attire worn anywhere in the clubhouse facility of Shadow Glen Golf Club. Denim Jeans, skirts, and capris shall be accompanied by appropriate attire. However, jeans should not be frayed, torn, tattered or have holes. They should not be baggy and/or low hanging. Cut off jeans and/or jean shorts are not permitted
Denim jeans, skirts, and capris will not be allowed on the golf course or golf practice areas
Denim jeans, skirts, and capris may not be allowed for some specific special events
Accompanying attire such as hooded sweatshirts, shirts or sweatshirts with slogans or numbers, jerseys, t-shirts, sleeveless shirts (men), tank tops (men), halter tops, half shirts (midriffs showing), or undershirts will not be allowed. Inappropriate words, terms, or pictures on any attire will not be allowed
Accompanying attired such as collared shirts, sweaters, crew neck shirts, and crew and v-neck sweaters shall be allowed.
Children are expected to dress in clean/smart clothing appropriate to their age
Men are prohibited from wearing hats in the Dining Room. In areas that allow hats, they must be worn in a traditional bill forward fashion. Hats are permitted in the Men’s Grille and Mixed Grille.
Casual attire consistent with golf course proper attire is permissible in the dining areas
Golf Attire Policies:
Men may wear golf slacks or Bermuda length shorts. Shirts must have a collar, mock neck, or turtleneck. Shirts must be tucked in at all times and a belt must be worn. Tank tops, t-shirts, athletic-style shorts, non-golf cargo shorts, and blue jeans are not permitted.
Women may wear golf slacks, skirts or Bermuda length shorts. Short shorts, athletic-style shorts, blue jeans, tank tops, and halter-tops are not permitted.
Children are governed by the same rules of attire as adults.
All headwear must be worn in a traditional bill-forward fashion.
Soft spikes, approved by the Club, are the only cleated footwear permitted on the course.
Members are reminded to inform their guests of all attire guidelines in advance to avoid any embarrassment at the Club.